Cakes - Vertical
Showing 1–12 of 63 results
Cakes - Vertical
All Dressed
20 Shot
Green/purple/blue/silver tails to silver palm pistil with green/purple/blue/crackling stars. Red tails with silver palm pistil with red stars
Cakes - Vertical
Anger Management
16 Shot
Multicolour tails to multicolour tails with titanium chrysanthemums. Finale of 3 starbursts
Cakes - Vertical
9 Shots
9 Green/red tail to green/red/blue white strobing stars & timed rain
Cakes - Vertical
Busy Bee
16 Shots
16 Gold tails that burst to a flying bee with red and green stars
Cakes - Vertical
25 Shots
25 Red tail to silver flying bees. Finishing with a swarm of flying bees
Cakes - Vertical
Canada, Eh!
36 Shots
36 Red/green tail to red/white/green/gold glittering stars. Red tails to purple/green stars. Green tails to red/white glittering stars. Red tails to silver chrysanthemums & red stars. Finale of blue tails to silver chrysanthemums & red