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Showing 1–12 of 48 results
Cakes - Vertical
All Orange
29 Shot
Orange tail to orange peony
$ 53.99
Battle of Colors
70 Shots
70 shots of red, green and yellow stars
$ 27.99
Out of stock
Cakes - Pro Pyro Vertical
36 Shot
Green tails burst to green red pistil and green glittering stars, Gold wave tails burst to crackling stars and gold willows, Green tails burst to green palms, Red tails burst to red crackling palms.
$ 65.99
Butterfly Blitz
Single Shot
A mine of blue stars changing to red.
$ 8.99
Family Packs
Cake Fiesta
Assortment of Fireworks Cakes
$ 152.99
Out of stock
Family Packs
Cake Party
Assortment of Fireworks Cakes
$ 204.99
Cakes - Vertical
Cotton Candy
20 Shots
Alternating bursts of pink and blue stars
$ 49.99
Cakes - Pro Pyro Fanned
35 Shots
Red comet with green strobe mine. Red, green & yellow tail burst red palm, green palm, yellow palm & chrysanthemums
$ 66.99
Cakes - Vertical
Cutie Pie
16 Shots
16 shots of red, green and crackling bursts
$ 28.99
Cakes - Vertical
16 Shots
Red tails to blue bursts, kamuros and crackling
$ 34.99
New items
Flying Ghost
Red flame to spinning and rising ghost
$ 3.29